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Location-related features

In this short tutorial, we will demonstrate some location-related simulator features, such as coordinates and shared resources.

Location coordinates

Locations can be associated with coordinates, which can be used, for example, to calculate travel times.

Example (location coordinates)

Let's modify our demo model by adding random coordinates to the locations! Also modify the travel time callback of the vehicle.

import random

if __name__ == '__main__':

    model = DemoModel()

    depot = Location( id= 'DEPOT', x= 0, y= 0 )
    model.add_location( depot )

    for i in range(5):
        x = random.randint( -10, 10 )
        y = random.randint( -10, 10 )
        customer_location = Location( id= f'CUSTOMER {i+1} at ({x},{y})', x= x, y= y )
        model.add_location( customer_location )

        order = Order( id= f'O-{i+1}' )
        order.pickup_location = depot
        order.delivery_location = customer_location
        order.release_date = 0
        order.pickup_duration = 2
        order.delivery_duration = 3
        model.request_order( order, decision_point_on_request= True )

    vehicle = Truck( 'TRUCK' )
    vehicle.initial_location = depot
    model.add_vehicle( vehicle )
from dvrpsim.utils.distances import manhattan_distance

class Truck(Vehicle):
    def __init__( self, id:str ) -> None:

    def travel_time( self, origin:Location, destination:Location ) -> int | float:
        return manhattan_distance( origin.x, origin.y, destination.x, destination.y )

    def on_arrival( self ) -> None:

        if self.is_idle and == 'DEPOT':
INFO    :       10.0 | 00:00:10 | TRUCK | departed from DEPOT to CUSTOMER 1 at (10,-7)
INFO    :       27.0 | 00:00:27 | TRUCK | arrived at CUSTOMER 1 at (10,-7)

As a result, travel times are calculated based on the Manhattan-distance. Indeed, the travel time, for example, from the depot located at (0,0) to the customer located at (10,-7) is |10| + |-7| = 17.

Location resources

Locations can be associated with shared resource.

Example (shared resources)

Assume that there is only one docking gate at the depot, so multiple vehicles cannot be loaded/unloaded at the same time. Let's associate a resource with the depot, and add more vehicles to the model!


model = DemoModel()

depot = Location( id= 'DEPOT', x= 0, y= 0 )
depot.resource = Resource( model.env, 1 )
model.add_location( depot )

for i in range(5):
    x = random.randint( -10, 10 )
    y = random.randint( -10, 10 )
    customer_location = Location( id= f'CUSTOMER {i+1}', x= x, y= y )
    model.add_location( customer_location )

    order = Order( id= f'O-{i+1}' )
    order.pickup_location = depot
    order.delivery_location = customer_location
    order.release_date = 0
    order.pickup_duration = 2
    order.delivery_duration = 3
    model.request_order( order, decision_point_on_request= True )

for i in range(2):
    vehicle = Truck( f'TRUCK-{i+1}' )
    vehicle.initial_location = depot
    model.add_vehicle( vehicle )
INFO    :        0.0 | 00:00:00 | START
INFO    :        0.0 | 00:00:00 | order O-1 is requested (DEPOT -> CUSTOMER 1 at (10,-7))
INFO    :        0.0 | 00:00:00 | order O-2 is requested (DEPOT -> CUSTOMER 2 at (-10,-2))
INFO    :        0.0 | 00:00:00 | order O-3 is requested (DEPOT -> CUSTOMER 3 at (-3,-3))
INFO    :        0.0 | 00:00:00 | order O-4 is requested (DEPOT -> CUSTOMER 4 at (-6,-7))
INFO    :        0.0 | 00:00:00 | order O-5 is requested (DEPOT -> CUSTOMER 5 at (7,-8))
INFO    :        0.0 | 00:00:00 | <<< routing >>>
INFO    :        0.0 | 00:00:00 | TRUCK-1 | service is requested
INFO    :        0.0 | 00:00:00 | TRUCK-2 | service is requested
INFO    :        0.0 | 00:00:00 | TRUCK-1 | service is started
INFO    :        2.0 | 00:00:02 | TRUCK-1 | order O-1 is picked up
INFO    :        2.0 | 00:00:02 | TRUCK-1 | service is finished
INFO    :        2.0 | 00:00:02 | TRUCK-1 | departed from DEPOT to CUSTOMER 1 at (10,-7)
INFO    :        2.0 | 00:00:02 | TRUCK-2 | service is started

Cool! Both vehicles, initially located at the depot, request a service, i.e. a capacity from the shared resource at time 0. The first vehicle gets it first, so the other vehicle has to wait until the resource becomes free at time 2.