Basic concepts
Main overview
Dynamic vehicle routing: A fleet of vehicles must serve orders that arrive dynamically in the planning horizon. Due to the dynamic nature of the problem, the decision maker has the opportunity to re-plan the vehicle routes at certain decision points (e.g., on order requests, etc.).
Decision process: At a decision point, the decision maker is provided with the current state, which describes all the information available to make a decision (e.g., positions of the vehicles, open orders, etc.). The result of the decision making (or routing) is a decision (or action) that includes, for example, the updated vehicle routes.
Simulator->>External routing algorithm: state
Note right of External routing algorithm: routing...
External routing algorithm->>Simulator: decision
This package is for modeling and simulating dynamic vehicle routing problems. The implementation of the routing algorithm is not tied to Python, but of course this is also an option.
Vehicles' execution procedure
During the simulation, the vehicles follow their route plan, if any. A route plan is a sequence of visits. A visit is specified by a location to which the vehicle must travel (unless it is currently there), and by a pickup list and a delivery list containing the orders that must be picked up and delivered at that location, respectively.
Any parameter of the problem (e.g., request of orders, travel times) can be deterministic or stochastic.
- The fleet of vehicles can be either homogeneous or heterogeneous.
- Vehicles can be capacitated or uncapacitated.
- Vehicles may be subject to loading rules (e.g. LIFO).
- Pickup-and-delivery type orders are considered. The pickup/delivery locations can refer to a designated depot, so the framework is suitable for modeling not only dynamic pickup-and-delivery problems, but also same-day delivery problems. With slight modifications, other types of dynamic vehicle routing problems can also be modeled.
- Service time window can be associated with for both the pickup and the delivery.
- Cancellation by the customers can be handled.
- Split deliveries are allowed, but in this case, the orders must be split into the smallest deliverable units in advance.
- Locations may have limited docking capacity, so the vehicles may have to wait for service.
Decision making (also called routing)
- Decision points can be imposed by arbitrary events (e.g., on order request, on vehicle arrival) or may occur periodically.
- The planned routes of the vehicles can be modified during their execution.
- Delaying the departure is possible.
- Rejection by the decision maker can be handled, and the postponement of the decision on acceptance/rejection is also allowed.