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Demo routing algorithm

The demo (external) routing algorithm is also implemented in Python, in the function routing in the file routing/demo_algorithm. The simulator (i.e., the routing callback) and the demo routing algorithm interact directly.

    participant A as Simulator
    participant B as Demo routing algorithm

    A->>+B: state
    Note right of B: routing
    B->>-A: decision

Routing callback

The routing callback directly calls the function routing.

from routing.demo_algorithm import routing

class SDDPModel(Model):

    def routing_callback(self) -> Any:
        The routing algorithm is implemented in a python module:
            routing.demo_algorithm.routing( state )
        state = self.get_state()
        state['static'] = self.static_data

        decision = routing( state )

        return decision

Routing algorithm

The routing algorithm does the following steps:

  1. Collects unassigned orders and idle vehicles located at the depot.
  2. Attempts to insert the orders one by one into the (possibly newly created) route of the vehicles.
    • If it is too late to deliver the order, it will be rejected.
    • If it is not possible to feasibly insert an order into any of the routes, it will be postponed.
    • Otherwise, the order will be accepted and inserted into the corresponding route.
  3. Calculates a maximum delay time for each vehicle located at the depot to delay their departure, if possible.