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Here is a brief description of the modeling of the problem in this simulation framework.


The default Location class is used.

for location_id, location_data in probdata['locations'].items():
    location = Location( location_id )    
    location.x = location_data['lon']
    location.y = location_data['lat']
    model.add_location( location )


The default Order class is used.

  • An order provider is used to request the orders.
  • Decision points on order requests are also imposed by the order provider.
orders = []

for order_id, order_data in probdata['orders'].items():        
    order = Order( order_data['id'] )
    order.release_date = order_data['release_date']
    order.due_date = order_data['due_date']
    order.pickup_location = model.get_location_by_id( order_data['pickup_location'] )
    order.delivery_location = model.get_location_by_id( order_data['delivery_location'] )
    order.pickup_duration = 2   # "The service time (...) at a restaurant, once the food is ready, is two minutes."        
    order.delivery_duration = 2 # "The service time at a customer (...) is two minutes.

    orders.append( order )

model.env.process( order_provider( model, orders, decision_point_on_request= True ) )


A custom vehicle class (RMDPDriver) is used.

  • The distance callback (travel_distance) and the travel times callback (travel_time) return the (vehicle-independent) distance and travel time, respectively, between the given locations.
  • The pre-service callback (_preservice) models the waiting of the driver when the food is not ready.
class RMDPDriver(Vehicle):
    def __init__( self, id:str ) -> None:
def travel_distance( self, origin:Location, destination:Location ) -> float:
    "(...) multiplying Euclidean distances by a factor of 1.4 closely approximates the relationship between Euclidean and street distances."
    return 1.4 * great_circle_distance( origin.x, origin.y, destination.x, destination.y )

def travel_time( self, origin:Location, destination:Location ) -> Generator[Event,Any,None]:
    "(...) assuming the travel speed over the resulting distances is 40 kilometers per hour."
    travel_time = 60 * self.travel_distance( origin, destination ) / 40.0

    return round( travel_time )
def _preservice(self) -> Generator[Event, Any, None]:
    "(...) the driver may need to wait for the order's completion when arriving to a restaurant."
    waiting_time = max( ( self.model.private_data['orders'][]['ready_time']
        for order in self.current_visit.pickup_list ), default= 0 ) -

    if 0 < waiting_time:
        self.model.log.custom( 'waiting for food...', vehicle= self )
        yield self.model.env.medium_timeout( waiting_time )